Napizia Magazine

Sicilianu English

Jean Valjean Takes Revenge

by Victor Hugo

So soon as Jean Valjean was alone with Javert he undid the rope which fastened the prisoner round the waist, the knot of which was under the table. After this, he made him a signal to rise.

Joachim Murat

by Italian Wikipedia

Joachim Murat was a French general, king of Naples, and Marshal of the Empire with Napoleone Bonaparte. After the Battle of Leipzig, he abandoned the Grande Armée to save his throne. Ultimately, the Austrians defeated him at Tolentino, forcing Murat to flee to Corsica, from where he launched a desperate attempt to recover the throne.

It Is Well

by Isaac Leib Peretz

You ask how it is that I remained a Jew? Whose merit it is? Not through my own merits nor those of my ancestors. I was a six-year-old Cheder boy, my father a countryman outside Wilna, a householder in a small way. No, I remained a Jew thanks to the Schpol Grandfather.


about this project

Napizia Magazine is a cultural periodical of translations that features an eclectic collection of articles on a wide range of topics. Sicilian has given its literature to the world. Now it's time to give the world's literature to Sicilian.