
Sicilianu English

First let us turn our attention to the language of Sicily, since the Sicilian vernacular seems to hold itself in higher regard than any other, and because all the poetry written by the Italians is called "Sicilian". — Dante Alighieri, De Vulgari Eloquentia

Since 1979, Arba Sicula has been translating the best of Sicilian literature for a world audience. Napizia Magazine will translate the best of world literature for a Sicilian audience.

We use the word "Sicilian" with broad meaning. People speak the Sicilian language in Sicily, Calabria and Puglia. And people speak Sicilian in New York too. From its origins in the Two Sicilies, the Sicilian language has influenced the world.

William Shakespeare wrote his sonnets in accordance with the 14-line structure that Jacopo da Lentini and the Sicilian School of Poets recited at the imperial court of Frederick II.

Sicilian has given its literature to the world. Now it's time to give the world's literature to Sicilian. So we're creating a cultural periodical of translations featuring an eclectic collection of articles on a wide range of topics. Drawing from public domain and from Creative Commons, we're collecting "unencumbered articles." And we're translating them all into Sicilian. Our archive has a complete index.

We hope you'll enjoy our translations. We hope you'll enjoy Napizia Magazine.